Skyscrapers: Higher and Higher
Category: Books,Engineering & Transportation,Engineering
Skyscrapers: Higher and Higher Details
Mierop, Caroline, Binder, Georges, Goldberger, Paul
- Norman Rockwell: 30 Postcards (Gift Line)
- Norman Rockwell: The Artist and His Work : The Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge
- It Is Right to Draw Their Fur: Animal Renderings by Dave Eggers
- Brown Sugar
- Good Times, Bad Times
- Live with Me
- No Expectations
- Henry VI, Part 2
- Timon of Athens (Dover Thrift Editions)
- Norman Rockwell: A Centennial Celebration
This large and glossy volume represents my favorite style of pictorial architecture books: it is richly illustrated with color photographs: most buildings get one full-page photographs and a few small pictures, and has diagrams that compare building sizes, sketches from building competitions, essential statistics, and just enough of a text to provide some interesting background but not be overbearing. It might be a bit dated, but it highlights some interesting buildings that were cutting edge twenty years ago and got obscured by more recent structures and not included in more recent publications. There are some floor plans and cross-sections.