MACBETH (Spanish Edition)

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Foreign Languages

MACBETH (Spanish Edition) Details

William Shakespeare (Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, Reino Unido c. 26 de abril de 1564jul. – ibídem, 23 de abriljul./ 3 de mayo de 1616greg.)[1] fue un dramaturgo, poeta y actor inglés. Conocido en ocasiones como el Bardo de Avon (o simplemente El Bardo), Shakespeare es considerado el escritor más importante en lengua inglesa y uno de los más célebres de la literatura universal


I purchased this for a student who recently moved here from Puerto Rico to help in her language arts class. Turns out that it is hard for her to understand the Spanish version because a lot of meaning is lost in translation. Shakespeare is difficult enough to read when English is your first language. I couldn't imagine how another language barrier on top of it.

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